2019 Future of Florida Forum Presentations

State of Florida Business (Download PDF)
Mark Wilson, President & CEO, Florida Chamber of Commerce
Florida Economic Snapshot and Outlook (Download PDF)
Jerry D. Parrish, Ph.D., Chief Economist, Florida Chamber Foundation
The Presidential Road to the 2020 White House Goes Through Florida (Download PDF)
–David Hart, Executive Vice President, Florida Chamber of Commerce
–Andrew Wiggins, Senior Director of Campaigns & Elections, Florida Chamber of Commerce
–Joe Clements, Advisor, Florida Chamber Political Program
Better Candidates Equal a Better Future (Download PDF)
Rick Asnani, Director, Florida Institute for Political Leadership
Creating the Workforce of the Future at the Intersection of People and Technology (Download PDF)
Joe Quaglia, President, Americas, Tech Data
Florida’s Strategy to Diversify the Economy and Grow High Wage Jobs (Download PDF)
Jamal Sowell, Florida Secretary of Commerce and President & CEO, Enterprise Florida Inc.
Putting Florida on the Stage for Manufacturing (Download PDF)
Kevin Carr, CEO, FloridaMakes
$88.6 Billion Reasons to Love VISIT FLORIDA (Download PDF)
Dana Young, President & CEO, VISIT FLORIDA
Ten Trends Shaping Florida’s Future (Download PDF)
Ted Abernathy, Futurist & Managing Partner, Economic Leadership LLC