
Aviation & Aerospace
Florida is uniquely situated as the historical launching pad into space and private companies are driving innovation that will take space exploration to new heights. Florida must continue to aggressively compete as the preeminent location for private space activities, engage in continued research and development and capitalize on Florida’s existing talent supply. The aviation and aerospace industry generates high-paying jobs across the state and leads to bold new technological advancements.

Economic Development
To grow Florida into a top-10 global economy, the Florida Chamber supports diversifying Florida’s economy through the attraction of businesses in targeted industries and emerging technology sectors. Because Florida is routinely in competition with other states and nations to attract and retain these types of businesses, the Florida Chamber believes the state must take a proactive, aggressive approach in attracting jobs and new businesses to our state.

In order to meet the workforce demands of Florida’s business community, the Florida Chamber will fight for a quality education system and education reforms that empower parents to make decisions related to their child’s education. The Florida Chamber will continue to bridge the existing talent gap by supporting the e¬fforts of all public and private colleges, universities, technical schools, and industry certification programs to produce a skilled and talented workforce.

Employment Law
Florida’s business community is facing a possible avalanche of new laws, rules and regulations that ultimately will only make it tougher for employers to hire new workers. We know that Florida businesses struggle to create jobs and drive the economy forward when they are worried about a blizzard of new rules and regulations, built upon an already complex system of employment laws.

Energy Solutions
Energy is used in nearly every facet of daily life, and as Florida continues to grow exponentially, it is imperative we have a long-term comprehensive energy policy that provides for reliable, cost-effective energy sources to support that growth. Components of that energy policy should increase energy independence, promote the use of domestic energy sources, embrace innovation and support sustainable economic growth.

The Florida Chamber of Commerce advocates at all levels of government- local, state and federal- to ensure our state is moving in the right direction. By meeting with members of the Florida Delegation multiple times per year, the Florida Chamber’s Advocacy Program ensures Florida businesses are being heard on the issues that matter to them.

Gambling Expansion
Tomorrow’s talent wants to live in a place where quality of life is second to none. This means protecting our state against very real dangers like Las Vegas-style casino gambling. Floridians should be cautious of unsubstantiated job growth and economic development offered by mega casinos. Florida cannot afford to bet our economic future on the expansion of gambling or the creation of these destination mega-casinos. Las Vegas-style casinos don’t compliment positive, long-term economic development. Instead, they weaken our brand and burden our cities with debt and poverty and wipe out existing forms of commerce.

Government Efficiency
Foundational principles of good governance are spending wisely, regulating reasonably, responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars and responding to the needs of citizens and job creators efficiently and effectively. The Florida Chamber will work to identify cost-saving and improved efficiencies in federal, state, and local government spending, as well as eliminate or preempt overreaching, burdensome and unreasonable regulations on businesses and consumers.

Health & Wellness
It is imperative that the business community work together to keep costs low while continuing to boost the economic prosperity of our state. The Florida Chamber will work to secure Florida’s future and ensure a healthy quality of life. A value-based healthcare system focused on outcomes is a vital component of the overall economic health of our state and critical to Florida’s future competitiveness.

Immigration Reform
Supporting a consistent federal policy for immigration that avoids undue burden to Florida’s employers and doesn’t harm Florida’s economy will help move our state forward. Florida’s economy depends on strong international relationships for its trade, manufacturing, and agriculture industries. A consistent federal policy will help Florida’s employers avoid undue burdens and costs.

Insurance Reform & Competition
Creating competitive and stable insurance markets will lower costs for Florida’s policy holders. We must continue initiatives like reducing the size and exposure of Citizens Insurance, protecting Florida’s Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, reducing the need for assessments, spreading risks, reducing fraud, and allowing for creative and cost-effective solutions to the challenges Florida drivers, homeowners and local businesses face.

International Trade & Ports
Florida is well positioned to benefit from international trade and new and emerging trade lanes. The Florida Chamber has been a leading voice for increasing international trade, increasing exports and foreign direct investment by championing the recommendations and policy objectives outlined in the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Trade & Logistics 2030 report.

Legal Reform
A lack of fairness and certainty in Florida’s judicial system has led to Florida having one of the worst legal climates in the United States – ranking 46th out of 50 states. Lawsuit abuse is estimated to cost every Florida family an additional $5,065 in lawsuit abuse “taxes” paid on the cost of more expensive goods and services. In 2023, the Florida legislature passed a historic lawsuit abuse reform package backed by the Florida Chamber, but this is just the beginning to reach a top 12 legal climate by 2030. We must continue to put the interests of Florida consumers and local businesses above special interests to reverse the damage done by billboard trial lawyers.

The impact of manufacturing on Florida’s economy is significant. Manufacturing jobs in Florida pay 20 percent more than the statewide average wage and every manufacturing job typically supports about two other jobs in other industries. Because of this multiplier effect, growing Florida’s manufacturing industry is essential to meet the goal of a top ten global economy by 2030. To grow manufacturing, Florida must continue to address gaps and improve Florida’s competitiveness, such as strengthening our talent pipeline, increasing research and development and marketing the state’s business climate.

Marketing Florida's Business Climate
Florida has a great story to tell. The Florida Legislature, Governor and Cabinet have made significant strides in reforming our education system, lowering taxes, improving our lawsuit abuse climate, investing in infrastructure and more. In fact, Florida has one of the best business climates in the country. Florida should invest in telling our story to decision makers in other states and abroad to attract new businesses and additional capital to the state.

Military & Defense
Florida’s economy benefits from the 20 military bases, three combatant command centers and number of veterans and active-duty servicemembers that call our state home. Florida also boasts one of the nation’s largest defense and homeland security industries. The Florida Chamber will fight to protect these industries that continue to protect us and ensure Florida has the talent pipeline, infrastructure and business climate to allow our military bases and defense companies to continue to flourish.

Pension Reform
The burdensome cost of having unfunded liabilities in our state continues to provide a barrier toward supporting teachers, attracting targeted industries, building roads, and reducing taxes. Florida must adapt and change or suffer the consequences to our state’s long-term economy.

As we work to accomplish the Florida 2030 Blueprint goals of cutting childhood poverty in half, the Florida Chamber of Commerce will continue to address the entire scope of equality of opportunity available to each Florida resident. This includes aiming to end generational poverty, eliminating the “cliff-effect” of social services that may negatively impact Florida families, and working to decrease the number of people that do not have health insurance or access to mental health services.

Protecting Florida’s Constitution
While the U.S. Constitution has been amended 27 times since 1789, Florida’s Constitution has been amended more than 140 times since 1968. The Florida Constitution should organize the structure of government and protect the rights of citizens, institutions, and businesses. It should not be used as an avenue for out-of-state groups and special interests to circumvent the legislative process. The Florida Chamber will support efforts to protect our state’s foundational document, and oppose constitutional amendments that could be accomplished by legislation or regulation.

Regulatory Reform
Government can either be a helpful partner or a hinderance in growing Florida’s economy to the 10th largest in the world by 2030. Predictable and consistent statewide laws and regulations that promote economic growth, do not intrude in the marketplace, or impose unreasonable costs on businesses and consumers through price controls, mandates or unreasonable regulations are essential to a robust free enterprise system.

Rural Development
Rural communities have unique assets and provide a different quality of life for those that want to live or work outside the state’s urban areas, but rural areas also have unique challenges. With nearly three million more people expected to call Florida home by 2030, the Florida Chamber will continue to support policies that promote investment and job creation in rural communities to help increase economic potential and growth throughout Florida.

Safety & Securing Florida's Safety
The bookends of the Florida Chamber’s Six Pillars for economic prosperity are education and quality of life. From championing the talent developed in our education system, to protecting Florida’s family-friendly brand, we’ve made it our business to ensure today’s learners become tomorrow’s earners, and that Florida is the best place to live, work, learn, raise a family and live the American dream. What unites us is far greater than what divides us. But our character is being tested yet again, and voters throughout America are waiting for politicians to put partisanship aside, and put Americans first. Business and local chamber leaders throughout Florida encourage you to ensure Florida has the procedures and laws in place to give our children, as well as their parents, the assurances they need to learn. Frankly, nothing else matters.

Small Business Issues
Small business is big business. Small businesses account for 99.8 percent of business establishments in Florida and play an essential role in Florida’s growing economy. In order to continue cultivating the best business climate in the nation, we must continue to provide opportunities for small business to succeed.

Targeted Tax Reforms
Driving a competitive and equitable tax system is key to attracting and growing businesses in our state. Limiting burdensome taxes by enacting smart and targeted tax reforms helps place money back into the pockets of Florida’s families. We must continue to push back against initiatives that make us less competitive in comparison to other states and become the number one tax climate for business.

With the modern economy becoming increasingly more digital and interconnected, the Florida Chamber continues to support private sector solutions that will enable 100 percent of Florida residents to have access to high-speed communications connectivity by 2030. Through a pro-growth, pro-digital regulatory environment and private sector innovation, Florida can continue to lead in expanding our telecommunications infrastructure and meeting the challenges of the 21st century economy.

Tourism is one of Florida’s most important and foundational industries and remains a significant contributor to Florida’s economy. VISIT FLORIDA, the state’s tourism marketing arm, is an important component in attracting visitors, branding the state as a tourist destination and signaling that the state is open for business after events like hurricanes. For every $1 taxpayers invest in VISIT FLORIDA, there is an estimated $3.27 return on investment to Florida’s taxpayers. Investing in tourism marketing is a strong investment, increases our tax base, and enables Florida’s low tax environment.

As Florida continues to grow both in population and economic activity, the Florida Chamber will continue to promote a robust, safe, resilient, and modern transportation system that responds to the latest technological advancements and emerging trends. The Florida Chamber supports a wide range of mobility options – from walkable communities to shared vehicles to passenger rail – to resourcefully move Floridians and visitors around the state and goods to markets. The projected addition of 2.5 million more drivers on our roads by 2030 and millions more goods being delivered with the rise of e-commerce requires forward-thinking investments in our logistics and transportation systems to keep Florida competitive and connected.

Unemployment Compensation
Lowering the burden of unemployment compensation taxes creates globally competitive employers. The Florida Chamber believes in fair and predictable laws and regulations that promote business development, do not impose unreasonable costs on businesses or their customers. We will continue to fight to keep the burden of unemployment compensation taxes low for Florida employers.

Water Solutions
Continued investment in water infrastructure is necessary to protect Florida’s unique natural resources and promote sustainable economic growth. Preserving the quality of waterbodies, fisheries, and aquifers is key to supporting tourism, agriculture, quality of life, and economic development in Florida. The Florida Chamber will continue fighting for high quality and well managed water supply, wastewater, and conservation projects that will enable Floridians to be better stewards of the land.

Worker's Compensation Task Force
Ensuring our workers’ comp system is fair and not inflated by trial lawyer tactics and other unnecessary costs will help lower the cost of doing business in Florida. The Florida Chamber has led the effort to help lower workers’ comp rates by more than 70 percent in the last 20 years.

Workforce Development
To ensure Florida can grow to a top 10 global economy by 2030, we must leverage a highly trained workforce to attract companies to Florida and encourage the expansion of existing companies. The Florida Chamber will continue to bridge the existing talent gap by supporting the efforts of all public and private colleges, universities, technical schools, and industry certification programs to produce a skilled and talented workforce. The Florida Chamber will work to ensure Florida remains a national leader in producing a talented workforce through work-based learning experiences and innovative, high-value skill-development programs, and create awareness through the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Future of Work Florida initiative.

Workforce Housing
The Florida Chamber recognizes that for many Floridians, rising housing costs are a significant issue which hurts Florida’s competitiveness, affordability, and quality of life. Housing costs have risen exponentially due to increased demand, slowing supply, and inflation. For employers, housing costs make it difficult to attract and retain a talented workforce. The Florida Chamber supports an “all-of-the-above” strategy for increasing the accessibility and supply of housing.