Math Matters Virtual Input Sessions

The Florida Chamber Foundation is hosting focus groups to gather valuable insights from parents, K-12 teachers and administrators, and business leaders about the critical role math proficiency plays in our students’ future career success. Your input will help Florida leaders better understand the perspectives of these key groups on the value of math proficiency.  

We invite you to join one of our virtual “Math Matters: Input Sessions.” These focus groups are designed to capture the unique perspectives of parents, educators and school administrators, and business leaders. Your input will contribute to strategies and recommendations that will be featured in a research report by the Florida Chamber Foundation, to be published in late 2024. 

Each group category has three available sessions. Please choose the one that best fits your schedule from the options below. 

Note: It is only necessary to register for one session in your group category, the content will be the same in each of the three sessions. 

Parent Input Sessions

K-12 Teacher and Administrator Input Sessions

Business Leader Input Sessions

To learn more about these upcoming input sessions, please connect with Sheridan Morby, Florida Chamber Foundation Senior Research Economist, at

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