Florida Legislature Misses Opportunities To Make Florida More Competitive

TALLAHASSEE, FL (May 8, 2017) – Despite missed opportunities, lawmakers took steps during the 2017 Legislative Session to help make Florida more competitive, the Florida Chamber of Commerce said today.
“When Florida’s Legislative Session is defined by what didn’t happen, you know it’s a missed opportunity to make Florida more competitive,” said MARK WILSON, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce. “While lawmakers did pass important legislation, we look forward to future opportunities to lower costs on families and businesses, and to putting Florida’s 483,000 unemployed Floridians back to work.”
While the Florida Chamber believes the 2017 Legislative Session could have been worse, but should have been much better for local businesses and the jobs they support. See below for a look at The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
The Good
Despite missed opportunities, the Florida Legislature did take action on several Florida Chamber-backed pro-jobs, pro-business bills outlined on the Florida Chamber’s Competitiveness Agenda. Click here to learn what “Pro-Biz”bills passed to help make Florida more competitive.
The Bad
While Democrats are fighting Republicans in Washington, D.C., in Tallahassee, it’s Republicans fighting Republicans – creating tensions that reflect a republican party in transition. The reality of this partisan and often very public infighting, combined with openly embracing special interests, resulted more on making Florida less competitive. Click here to learn about missed opportunities that would have made your business more competitive.
The Ugly
Strong advocacy from Florida Chamber members, local chambers and partners helped put the brakes on bad legislation that would have made Florida less competitive. Click here to find out which “No-Biz” bills the Florida Chamber stopped
Just the Facts
- 3,052 – Bills filed this session.
- 249 — Bills that have passed thus far.
- $83 Billion – The 2017-2018 state budget.
- 125+ — Florida Chamber testimony/weighing in support/opposition on legislation.
- 5,300+ – Total Florida Chamber scored votes taken this session.
- 31 – Local chambers of commerce traveled to Tallahassee help advance the Florida Business Agenda.
“The Florida Chamber will soon release the actual grades lawmakers earned this session on key legislative priorities,” said SYD KITSON, Chair, Florida Chamber of Commerce and Chairman and CEO of Kitson and Partners. “We look forward to sharing those with Floridians.”
In the meantime, the Florida Chamber’s 2017 Legislative Summary outlines what passed and what failed during the recently completed legislative session. The Florida Chamber’s 2017 Competitiveness Agenda was developed based on input from Florida Chamber members, local chambers of commerce, partner associations, research, and unfinished business.
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