Florida Chamber Names Representative Paul Renner a 2018 Distinguished Advocate

The Florida Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that Representative Paul Renner has been named a Florida Chamber 2018 Distinguished Advocate for his commitment to championing pro-jobs, pro-business legislation.
“The Florida Chamber thanks Representative Paul Renner for working to lower the cost of living on families and cost of doing business on job creators through targeted tax relief. Representative Renner’s leadership on smart tax policy included a reduction in the Florida-only business rent tax – a longstanding Florida Chamber priority,” said David Hart, Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber of Commerce.
The Florida Chamber’s Distinguished Advocate award recognizes lawmakers who fought tirelessly for the passage of pro-business legislation – no matter how difficult – and furthered the Florida Chamber’s goals of securing Florida’s future through job creation and economic development.
“I am honored to be a Florida Chamber of Commerce 2018 Distinguished Advocate. This session, the Florida Legislature continued its commitment to improve the lives of all Floridians through policies that promote prosperity and job creation, expand opportunity, and preserve our great quality of life. I was privileged to work with Senator Stargel to produce a tax reduction package that lowers the commercial rent tax, gives relief for those hurt by Hurricane Irma, and benefits our veterans and those on public assistance who are trying to climb the economic ladder out of poverty. I appreciate the Florida Chamber‘s commitment to these goals as we create a better Florida for everyone,” Representative Renner said.
To view Representative Renner’s complete grading and district information, click here.