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Saving Florida’s Coral Reef: An Inside Look at the Florida Coral Rescue Center

Florida’s coral reef plays an essential role in protecting the coast from storm surges, maintaining a safe haven for hundreds of diverse species, and helping protect against billions of dollars in environmental and property damage. However, Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD), poor water quality, overfishing, climate change and other factors have created a sharp decline in the health of the state’s barrier reef.

Partnering with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida, Disney and others, SeaWorld helped open the Florida Coral Rescue Center three years ago in hopes of increasing the genetic diversity and long-term survival of Florida’s critical coral. At the center, hundreds of corals from 18 different species are being reproduced with the help of a sophisticated LED lighting system and around the clock monitoring.

Click here to read more about this important work as reported by National Public Radio and to learn more about the Florida Coral Rescue Center.


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