State Colleges Help Learners Become Earners

Join the Education Movement A Conversation with U.S. Education Secretary DeVos Business Alliance for Early Learning
During last weeks Future of Florida Forum, education, workforce and economic development leaders dedicated an entire morning to discussing how Florida can be ready for the future of workforce.
At the Florida Chamber of Commerce, we believe a talented workforce is Florida’s best long-term economic strategy, and businesses around the state agree- talent is quickly replacing the tax incentive as the economic tool of choice.
That’s why the Florida Chamber of Commerce is committed to ensuring Florida students can compete in a global economy through efforts like:
- Florida Jobs 2030
- Learners to Earners Education Summit
- A Business Conversation with U.S. Education Secretary DeVos
- The Business Alliance for Early Learning
- Launch My Career Florida
- And more
Today, the Florida Chamber is building on these efforts when Mark Wilson, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber, and Dr. Jerry Parrish, Chief Economist for the Florida Chamber Foundation, address the Florida College System and Council of Presidents’ Innovations and Excellence Convening.
During presentations to state college presidents, Wilson will encourage Florida to further strengthen its workforce by increasing Florida’s attainment goal. While Dr. Parrish will outline where the jobs of the future are likely to be based on targeted industry growth, and high-wage jobs that will help diversify Florida’s economy.
Don’t miss out on what the Florida Chamber can offer you. There’s a reason Talent Supply and Education is our Number One pillar. From early learning, to K-12, to higher education and workforce training.
Help us make today’s learners tomorrow’s earners. Engage with us as we plan the Florida Chamber’s 2018 Education Summit. Click here to learn more.