Your Support of Lawsuit Abuse Reform is Working…

Lawmakers Are Making Progress On Improving Florida’s Legal Climate
The Florida Chamber continues turning up the pressure on Florida’s bottom five legal climate, joining Governor Ron DeSantis and legislative leaders to take on billboard trial lawyers. Lawsuit abuse impacts all Floridians, from job creators to the families that pay more than $4,400 each year in lawsuit abuse “taxes.”
Accuracy in Damages
The House and Senate this week took up Florida Chamber-backed accuracy in damages legislation that allows a jury to see the usual and customary amount of a medical service, ensuring the cost of medical care is not inflated specifically for personal injury cases, and effectively curtailing the gamesmanship being used with letters of protection. Thank you to Senator David Simmons and Representative Tom Leek for leading on this issue.
Contingency Risk Multiplier
The House Judiciary Committee proposed limiting contingency fee multipliers to rare and unusual circumstances. This overturns a Florida Supreme Court decision, Joyce v. Federated National Insurance Company, which made contingency fee multipliers the rule and not the exception in property insurance cases. The Florida Chamber supports this effort.
Asbestos Trust Claims
HB 741 by Representative Tom Leek moved through its last committee stop this week and is now ready for the House Floor. HB 741 brings transparency to the trust claim process and ensures that claims move legitimately through the judicial process. Rep. Leek continues championing Florida Chamber-backed lawsuit abuse reform legislation.
Ensure Your Voice Is Heard
The Florida Chamber is leading Florida’s lawsuit abuse reform efforts, and your support is essential to demonstrating how Florida’s legal climate harms businesses and families. Click here to share which legal climate issues are most important to you.