Small Businesses Fuel Florida’s Economy
Why It Matters to Florida
Two out of every three jobs are created by small businesses in Florida and 90 percent of Florida’s manufacturers are small to mid-sized businesses. According to the most recent Florida Chamber Small Business Index Survey, Florida’s small businesses are optimistic about the future of the state’s economic recovery, with nearly 60 percent of respondents expecting the economy to improve during the next 12 months and half of all respondents indicating higher sales over the previous year.
Florida’s Competitiveness Agenda
For a more competitive Florida, the Florida Chamber will continue to advocate on behalf of small businesses by:
- Supporting workforce training programs that allow small business to get the workforce they need to create more goods and jobs.
- Continuing to support trade efforts for small and mid-sized businesses to trade globally. Ninety-five percent of Florida’s exporters are small- and medium-sized businesses that produce two-thirds of Florida’s total exports.
- Advocating for diverse and innovative new businesses by supporting programs such as Florida’s Small Business Development Center Network.
- Championing streamlined regulations so small businesses no longer feel the burden of mandates and red-tape.
- Supporting healthcare initiatives that help small businesses offer cost-effective and reliable healthcare options to their employees.
- Fighting against special interest efforts that would move workers comp rates in the wrong direction.
- Supporting tax initiatives that help lower the cost of doing business.
- Advocating for greater access to capital options for small businesses.
The Fight for Free Enterprise Continues
Small businesses are important to Florida’s growing economy. Share your voice on these issues with us by joining our Small Business Council. Contact cjohnson@flchamber.com for more information.