Florida Has More Than 12 Million Registered Voters

Do you like being listened to or ignored? In November, Florida voters will have an opportunity to make sure their voice is heard and play a vital role in electing officials that will shape the future at the local, state and national level. The question is, of the more than 12 million voters registered, how many will participate? In the 2014 general election, turnout of registered voters was only 51 percent.
As businesses and other organizations around Florida kick off Employee Voter Registration Week, have you registered to vote? If you want to participate in the 2016 Primary Election, the last day to register is August 1.
To find out how to register to vote in your county, visit FloridaWins.org and click on “Register to Vote”.
About Florida Wins:
When Florida’s budget is in line with the needs of the state, Florida wins. Share this email to ensure that Florida remains the best place to live, work, play and learn. Visit FloridaWins.Org to learn more.