Urge Your Lawmaker to VOTE NO on Anti-Economic Development and Tourism Marketing Bills

HB 7005: Final House Vote This Week
Later this week, every State Representative will have the opportunity to vote on HB 7005 (anti-economic development bill) and HB 9 (anti tourism marketing bill). We need you to contact your State Representative by clicking the “Take Action Now” button below, and urge them to VOTE NO on both of these bills.
HB 7005 would end economic diversification efforts in Florida, including eliminating the economic development toolkit, international programs, marketing and small business assistance.
HB 9, sponsored by Rep. Paul Renner (R-Palm Coast), restricts the operations of VISIT FLORIDA, reallocates funds originally intended for tourism marketing and reduces collaboration.
Despite overwhelming opposition and more than 40,000 emails sent to lawmakers by Florida Chamber members opposing the bill, the conversation of eliminating Enterprise Florida and significantly changing the operations of VISIT FLORIDA could pass the Florida House, unless you take action now.
Urge your lawmaker to VOTE NO on HB 7005 and HB 9 when they vote on these bills later this week. Then, share this with everyone you know that cares about job creation and our tourism industry.