New Legislation Would Intentionally Slow Down Post-Storm Communities Recovery

Contact Your Legislator
Your Voice is Needed.
The Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee on Tuesday will discuss legislation that will delay the reopening of communities, and limit access to goods and services after a natural disaster.
Under SB 1828 by Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez, all businesses including restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores and hardware stores would be forced to keep their doors closed for an extended period of time after a natural disaster.
This bill creates a cause of action if an employer takes any retaliatory action if the employee evacuates and does not return to work within a specified time frame after an emergency evacuation order.
The Florida Chamber of Commerce opposes SB 1828 because it creates a new cause of action against job creators and slows the recovery efforts for all Floridans and hurts the overall economy.
Contact Your Legislator Today
Don’t let SB 1828 slow the recovery of your community or force new employer mandates on your business. Contact your legislator today and tell them to vote against SB 1828.