Legal Reform
Lawmakers Continue Advancing Bills to Improve Florida’s Legal Climate

Watch Senator Doug Broxson Sign the AOB Petition
During the third week of the legislative session, lawmakers in both the House and Senate continued to take steps to improve on Florida’s bottom-five legal climate and lower the cost of doing business for Florida’s families and small-businesses.
Four Florida Chamber-backed lawsuit abuse reform bills passed their respective committees this week:
- Assignment of Benefits Reform – SB 122 and companion HB 7065
- Dangerous Instrumentality—SB 862 and companion HB 355
SB 1464, a bill related to Fair Settlement, and HB 17, a bill related to Damages, were also on committee agendas this week but were temporarily postponed. These bills are still available to be put on the agenda in the future.
We will keep you up-to-date as lawsuit abuse reform legislation moves forward.
Three Ways You Can Get Involved
- Watch Senator Doug Broxson talk about the importance of AOB reform on the Florida Chamber Bottom Line.
- Sign the petition seeking AOB reform by visiting www.FightFraud.Today.
- Be the first to know when registration opens for the Florida Chamber’s annual Insurance Summit taking place November 2019.