What is the Constitution Revision Commission?

What Is It?

In 1968, Florida became the only state that allows for its state constitution to be revisited and changed through a regularly scheduled commission called the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC). The CRC, which meets every 20 years, is a group of 37 commissioners who examine the relevance and applicability of Florida’s Constitution to current and future needs.

In February 2017, Florida named its third Commission. The CRC itself is an unusual creature of constitutional construction and is not within one of the traditional three branches of government. A separate lobbyist registration is required. Traditionally, the Governor’s Office has provided full time staff, including an Executive Director. The CRC is led by a Chair, which is appointed by the Governor.

Here’s How This Works

Per the Florida Constitution, the Commission must adopt its own rules of procedure and examine the state constitution (except for matters related to taxation or the state budgetary process). After its creation, the CRC holds two sets of public hearings, typically throughout the state. The first set of hearings is to garner ideas from the public. The second set is to gain feedback on the proposals. After the proposals have been approved by the CRC, the proposals are placed directly on the 2018 General Election ballot.

The CRC is comprised of 37 members, which are appointed as follows:

-Governor Appointments: 15

-Senate President Appointments: 9

-Speaker Appointments: 9

-Chief Justice Appointments: 3

-Attorney General: + 1



How to Get Involved

Take part in this historic moment in Florida’s history. Complete the form below and we will send you updates on the proposals the CRC is considering. We will keep you updated on which ones are “Good” or “Bad” for business and which ones make their way onto the 2018 ballot.

Sign Up for CRC Updates


For more information, on how you can get involved, please contact Hannah Kaplan today.

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