Did You Know Florida Will Consume 1.3 Billion More Gallons of Water a Day by 2030

Did You Know?
By the year 2030, Floridians will need 1.3 billion more gallons of water every day, more than a 20 percent increase compared to 2010 demands?
With six million more residents and 100 million visitors on the horizon, our state must remain focused on making sure we can meet this growing need.
As a state surrounded by water, it’s often times difficult to picture Florida as having long-term water challenges. But as a state that receives more than 70 percent of our rainfall within just three months, there are several months where there is little to no rainfall at all – leaving our state in a vulnerable position when it comes to drinkable water.
“Rain water is what recharges and fills our lakes, streams and fresh waters aquifers, and these are what supply our drinking water as well as sustain the environment,” explains Philip Waller, Vice President at MWH Americas on the latest Florida Chamber Series on Free Enterprise.
Throughout the past 20 years, Florida has become a national leader in the reuse of water. Approximately 719 million gallons per day of reclaimed water was reused for beneficial purposes in 2013. This conservation effort saved an estimated 139 billion gallons of potable quality water and added more than 85 billion gallons back to available ground water supplies.
By creating sustainable water conservation solutions, our state can meet needs while protecting our valuable natural resources.
Families and businesses can participate in water conservation easily, by installing moisture sensors on irrigation systems, watering only when needed or installing water efficient toilets, faucets and showerheads.
By working together, Florida can responsibly plan for a new generation of water users.
“The good news is we have really robust science-based programs that are already in affect that protect our water resources,” David Childs, water policy expert with Hopping, Green & Sams, said recently on the Florida Chamber’s Bottom Line. “I expect the Legislature will continue to support the implementation of those programs and ensure that our resources are protected.”
Tell Us What You Think:
What measures does your business or family take to conserve water? Send an email to jparrish@flfoundation.org to share your story.
If you are interested in other infrastructure conversations on the horizon, join the Florida Chamber Foundation at the 2015 Transportation Summit on January 29.
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About the Florida Scorecard Did You Know:
The Florida Scorecard, located at www.TheFloridaScorecard.com, presents metrics across Florida’s economy? Each month, the Florida Chamber Foundation produces a Scorecard Stat that takes an in-depth look at one aspect of Florida’s economy. If you would like additional information on the Weekly Scorecard Stat or on the Florida Scorecard, please contact Dr. Jerry Parrish with the Florida Chamber Foundation at 850.521.1283 or jparrish@flfoundation.org. You can also follow the Florida Chamber Foundation on Twitter at @FLChamberFDN.