Innovation, Growth and the Future of Florida

By Joe Debs, Executive Vice President, RS&H
Quality of life. It’s a term I’m sure you’ve heard many times before, but it takes on new meaning when we consider Florida’s future. Our state welcomes more visitors in one year than the entire population of California, Texas, New York, and Illinois combined. By 2030, the Florida Chamber Foundation estimates our state will add an additional six million residents and welcome more than 150 million visitors a year.
That’s a tall order for a state that has already seen historic growth during the past few decades. However, it can be done if we, the business community, put Florida’s long-term future in front of short-term fixes.
Whether through autonomous vehicles or smarter community design, my hope is that our transportation system will meet Florida’s projected growth and keep our roadways safe for all travelers.
At the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Transportation Summit on December 10th in Jacksonville, we’ll discuss how emerging technologies will shape Florida’s future and what solutions we’ll need to implement to improve our state’s quality of life for generations to come.
If you believe, as our team at RS&H does, that we must begin thoughtfully planning Florida’s future today, then I hope you will join me.