State Budget News is Good for Environment and Infrastructure

Florida Legislature to Begin State Budget Negotiations
As we enter the final three weeks of the 2020 Legislative Session, lawmakers will soon begin budget negotiations.
The House and Senate have already passed their initial budgets, which provides insight into what the final budget will likely look like.
So far, the news is good for Florida’s infrastructure and environment. That’s especially important considering that 26 million people are expected to call Florida home by 2030, and understanding that long-term, sustainable water and environmental policies will be needed to meet our growing needs.
The Florida Department of Transportation’s budget will likely exceed $10 billion for another fiscal year. Florida is on track for record funding for environmental projects, which are broken out into smaller categories below.
SENATE (SB 2500) | HOUSE (HB 5001) | |
FDOT | $10.3 Billion | $10.3 Billion |
Everglades Restoration | $31.9 Million | $325 Million |
Water Quality Improvements | $198 Million | $122 Million |
Florida Forever | $125 Million | $23 Million |
Springs Restoration | $50 Million | $50 Million |
Broadband in M-CORES | $5 Million | $5 Million |
Affordable Housing | $387 Million | $144 Million |
The Florida Chamber will continue to advance and support long-term investments in Florida’s infrastructure and environment.
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