House and Senate Release Draft Workers’ Comp Plans

Florida Chamber’s Workers’ Comp Task Force Needs Your Review and Feedback
The Florida House and Senate have both released early details of their workers’ compensation plans ahead of Tuesday’s start of the 2017 Florida Legislative Session. Full drafts of these bills are expected later today or before Tuesday, March 7, 2017.
The Florida Chamber of Commerce’s Workers’ Comp Task Force is seeking your input on these draft proposals. Please send the below links to your General Counsel or risk management team member for their immediate review and feedback.
The House will workshop their draft proposal on Tuesday, March 7, 2017, in the House Insurance and Banking Subcommittee. It’s unknown at this point when the Senate will workshop or hear their workers’ comp proposal.
Links to the proposals can be found here:
- Click here for a summary of House’s proposal
- Click here for a summary of Senate’s proposal
The Florida Chamber Workers’ Comp Task Force reconvened last year to address rising workers’ comp costs as a result of the Florida Supreme Court’s decisions in Castellanos and Westphal. On December 1, 2016, for all new and renewal policies, workers’ comp rates increased by 14.5 percent, with the majority of that rate increase due to the removal of attorney fee caps.
Email me at with your company’s thoughts on the House and Senate proposals.