GrayRobinson’s Kim McDougal Featured on the Florida Chamber’s Bottom Line

Florida 2030: Talent Supply & Education Recommendations Learn More About Education
GrayRobinson’s Kim McDougal discusses K-12 education funding, college affordability and school choice on the latest edition of the Florida Chamber’s Bottom Line.
Closing Florida’s skills gap by improving educational opportunities is essential to providing Floridians with jobs that allow them to succeed.
“The Florida Chamber has done a great job with businesses, you have the for the students to make sure every student knows, ‘If I pursue this degree, these are the types of jobs and wages those jobs pay,’” said McDOUGAL.
In an ever changing world, McDougal also notes that it’s just as vital to ensure the existing workforce has the skills they need, just as it’s important to ensure students are prepared to earn when they graduate.
Workforce is Changing – Florida Must Be Ready
According to research found in the Florida Chamber Foundation’s newly released Florida 2030 recommendations on Talent Supply & Education, the future of work is changing and Florida has both challenges and opportunities on the horizon. Click here to learn more.