Florida Workforce 2030 Shows Changing Landscape of the ‘World of Work’ Requires New Skills

92% of Industry Leaders Poised to Hire, Yet 81% Concerned About Lack of Employability Skills
TALLAHASSEE, FL (February 13, 2020) – Robots, automation, artificial intelligence, new innovations and technology are significantly changing the landscape of what will be required of Florida’s workforce, and the skills that Florida students will need as they plan their future, according to the Florida Chamber Foundation’s latest report Florida Workforce 2030. While industry leaders are poised to hire, they’re increasingly concerned about the lack of employability skills.
With the world of work becoming increasingly complex, to remain globally competitive, Florida must lead by developing, attracting and retaining a strong talent pool, Florida Workforce 2030 explains.
“To build America’s best workforce in Florida, we must prepare students for global competition. That means better aligning programs and standards with future job demands, training and attracting the best and brightest for advancement and new careers, and increasing economic prosperity for all Floridians – starting with our youngest learners,” said Mark Wilson, President and CEO, Florida Chamber of Commerce.
Through a series of industry leader roundtables, surveys and research, Florida Workforce 2030 shows that five of Florida’s targeted growth sectors – Aviation and Aerospace, Financial and Professional Services, Healthcare and Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Trade and Logistics – will require talent that embraces technological advancements, artificial intelligence, automation and innovation. According to the report, industry leaders reveal that:
“I applaud the Florida Chamber’s focus on workforce education and supporting Governor DeSantis’ goal of becoming the number one state in the nation for workforce education by 2030. With Florida’s population growing to more than 26 million by 2030, it is imperative that we focus on building a talented and highly skilled workforce to fill the jobs of the future. I look forward to working with the Governor, Legislature and Chamber to ensure that goal,” said Florida Commissioner of Education, Richard Corcoran.
To prepare for projected shifts in Florida’s labor market, the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Florida Workforce 2030 highlights five core recommendations for policymakers, educators and Florida’s business community to unite around. They are:
- Recommit to long-term, continuous strengthening of every stage of our education system by providing career pathways focused on industry needs. This includes adults needing to upskill, re-skill or complete a credential to be competitive in the workplace, as well as for middle and high school students in order to increase educational attainment levels.
- Emphasize work-based learning opportunities as part of education in high school and beyond and all students should be encouraged to earn at least one high-quality, industry-recognized certification to ensure that they graduate with career and workforce competencies that are valued by employees.
- Identify strategies that address equity gaps to ensure upward mobility opportunities for all Floridians. Closing the educational attainment and labor participation gaps in Florida between racial and ethnic groups, as well as urban and rural populations, is essential to Florida’s future.
- Invest economic development dollars in proven, scalable training programs for adults and other incumbent workers while creating public-private partnerships through targeted incentives, and re-training for high-demand jobs that will help build local talent pipelines.
- Utilize data to inform policy and best practices including metrics that measure education attainment, employment, earnings, future population and workforce needs.
Florida Workforce 2030 was presented to Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran, Senate President Bill Galvano, House Speaker Jose Oliva, and members of the Florida Talent Development Council which was established by Governor DeSantis to develop a coordinated, data-driven, statewide approach to meeting Florida’s needs for a 21st-century workforce.
Florida Workforce 2030, along with an Industry Roundtable and Survey Summary along with Industry Career Path details for Florida’s five targeted growth sectors, are available at www.FLChamber.com/FloridaWorkforce2030.
“CareerSource Florida applauds the Florida Chamber Foundation for its ongoing work to help Governor DeSantis ensure our state becomes No. 1 in the nation in workforce education. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this important research through state and local perspectives on the evolution of talent development needs for Florida’s growing industries.” Michelle Dennard, President and CEO, CareerSource Florida
“Workforce development education is a major factor to secure Florida’s economic prosperity for years to come, and I am proud to support Governor DeSantis’ goal of Florida leading the nation in workforce development by 2030. I commend the Florida Chamber’s spotlight on building a talent pipeline that will lead to innovation and competitiveness, ultimately resulting in higher wages and a sustainable economy. Florida’s future looks especially bright and I am looking forward to working with Governor DeSantis, the Legislature and the Florida Chamber to make these important strategic goals a reality.” Dr. Eric Hall, Chancellor for Innovation, Florida Department of Education
“The Florida Chamber Foundation has set the course for adopting a data-driven approach to meeting Florida’s future workforce needs. The Florida Workforce 2030 report aligns perfectly with the Florida 2030 Blueprint and after listening to the needs of employers across the state, provides long-term recommendations for a 21st century workforce.” Todd Powell, Vice President of Real Estate, Weyerhaeuser & Chair, Florida Chamber Foundation
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