Florida Chamber’s Washington, D.C. Fly-In Centers Discussions on Trade, Jobs, Zika and More

Florida Chamber of Commerce members recently returned from a recent Washington, D.C.“Fly-In” supporting private-sector job creation, pushing back against bureaucratic red tape and emphasizing the importance of protecting Floridians from the Zika virus.
The Florida Chamber’s D.C. Fly-In included meetings with members of the Florida Congressional Delegation, including Senator Bill Nelson, Senator Marco Rubio, Congressman Vern Buchanan, and others. Additionally, the Florida Chamber Foundation presented Florida 2030, a two-year research program that is helping stimulate strategic thinking about Florida’s future, during a group presentation to the Florida’s Congressional Delegation.
It’s important for Florida to be represented at the federal level so that the voices of Florida job creators are heard. The Florida Chamber discussed the issues you said were important to your business, including: the Department of Labor’s Overtime Rule, the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. Rule and Clean Power Plan, the Regulatory Accountability Act, transportation infrastructure, the Trans Pacific Partnership and more.
There are several ways to learn more about, and get involved with, the Florida Chamber’s efforts:
- READ MORE on why trade agreements like the recently signed Trans-Pacific Partnership are good for Florida and how international trade impacts our state
- LEARN ABOUT our efforts to help fight against Zika
- GET INVOLVED with Florida 2030
- REGISTER FOR an event in your region