Florida Chamber Supports Targeted Tax Reforms To Make Florida More Competitive

Florida is moving in the right direction – Florida creates one in every 10 jobs in the Unites States, our unemployment remains low and more than 1.2 million private-sector jobs have been created since December 2010. In order to continue growing jobs, lowering the cost of living and the cost of doing business, the Florida Chamber of Commerce supports targeted tax reforms.
Recently, Florida Governor Rick Scott released his “Fighting for Florida’s Future” budget, which includes several Florida Chamber-backed efforts, like:
- Business Rent Tax reduction for commercial leases,
- Cutting the Corporate Income Tax for 80 percent of Florida’s businesses,
- Sales tax holidays for back-to-school shopping, disaster preparedness and more, and a special sales tax holiday for veterans,
- Fee cuts for seniors, veterans and businesses, and more.
Carolyn Johnson, Director of Business, Economic Development and Innovation Policy for the Florida Chamber of Commerce, testified today in support of the governor’s proposal in the House Ways & Means Committee, adding that it is the Florida Chamber’s hope that the R&D Tax Credit will also be considered for this year’s tax plan.
“We are thrilled that the Governor has made the business rent tax the centerpiece of his tax proposal this year, and are supportive of the broad-based tax cuts that the Governor has recommended. In addition, we ask that the House consider increasing the cap for the R&D Tax Credit, which has been oversubscribed since its inception and encourages R&D in our state,” said CAROLYN JOHNSON, Florida Chamber Director of Business and Economic Development and Innovation Policy.
Take Action Now
For more information about this issue, or to get involved in the fight to cut taxes, visit our targeted tax reform issue page or contact Carolyn Johnson at cjohnson@flchamber.com.