Florida Chamber Opposes Bill That Could Increase Regulations on Businesses

Today, the Senate Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee passed a bill that could increase regulations on businesses – SB 306, sponsored by Senator Dwight Bullard (D- Cutler Bay).
Christopher Emmanuel, Director of Infrastructure and Governance Policy at the Florida Chamber, testified against this bill saying, “We believe that it will increase costs to businesses and ultimately to the consumers. For these reasons, we stand opposed to this bill.”
The bill could ban disposable plastic bags that businesses use for products their customers purchase.
Specifically, this bill would give local governments the ability to regulate or completely ban the bags, and it could:
- Lead to a patchwork of different local regulations on packaging across the state,
- Increase costs to businesses and consumers, and
- Eliminate cost effective bagging options for customers and consumers.
The Florida Chamber believes burdensome government regulations and mandates are counterproductive to building the perfect business climate. Tell us how this bill could affect your business by contacting us today at cemmanuel@flchamber.com.
What’s Next For This Bill:
The bill now heads to Senate Community Affairs Committee.