Florida Chamber of Commerce Celebrates World Trade Month

Encourages Renewal of NAFTA
TALLAHASSEE Fla. (May 1, 2018)— The Florida Chamber of Commerce is celebrating May as World Trade Month and is reinforcing the important role global trade plays in creating jobs, growing opportunities for small businesses and increasing foreign direct investment.
Despite the flurry of trade actions on exports and imports, the Florida Chamber remains committed to Florida succeeding as a global hub for trade, in order to ensure we remain competitive in a global marketplace. Expanding rules-based trade and investment is a key engine for Florida’s growth. The Florida Chamber is actively working to advance these efforts on behalf of the business community, every day.
“Florida is not just a great place to live and do business, but has an incredibly diversified economy” said BOB GRAMMIG, Chair, Florida Chamber of Commerce and Partner, Holland & Knight. “By expanding Florida’s role as the global hub for trade and logistics, we are creating jobs, attracting and retaining talent and providing more opportunities for businesses who want to grow or expand in our state.”
The Florida Chamber of Commerce has a long-standing history of supporting free trade, expanding international trade and investment opportunities for Florida’s business community, advocating for fair and equitable market access for Florida-origin exports abroad, and eliminating barriers that are harmful to Florida’s competitiveness as a global hub for trade.
Consider the Economic Impacts of Trade in Florida:
- Florida ranks sixth in the nation in terms of foreign direct investment employment—with foreign companies employing more than 327,000 Floridians,
- International trade supports more than two million jobs in Florida, that’s one in five jobs,
- International business accounts for about 17 percent of Florida’s economy, and
- In 2017, Florida’s total merchandise trade reached $147.7 billion.
Yesterday, the Florida Chamber and Ontario Chamber of Commerce announced their partnership supporting continued cross-border trade agreements between Florida and Ontario, and encouraged the renewal of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) during the current renegotiation process.
“With nearly 500 Canadian companies employing Floridians, it is important that we continue to maintain and expand our relationship with Ontario and Canada to fuel economic growth,” said MARK WILSON, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce. “The Florida Chamber is proud to join the Ontario Chamber in support of free trade and modernization and renewal of NAFTA.”
Members of the Florida Chamber of Commerce will travel to Washington, D.C., in the coming days to encourage Florida’s Congressional Delegation to support Florida job creators, and to work to ensure that trade continues to benefit the U.S. and Floridians.
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The Florida Chamber of Commerce is the voice of business and the state’s largest federation of employers, chambers of commerce and associations, aggressively representing small and large businesses from every industry and every region. The Florida Chamber works within all branches of government to affect those changes set forth in the annual Florida Business Agenda, and which are seen as critical to secure Florida’s future. The Florida Chamber works closely with its Political Operations and the Florida Chamber Foundation. Visit www.FloridaChamber.com for more information.