Florida Chamber Bottom Line: Rep. MaryLynn Magar Discusses Lowering the Cost of Healthcare

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Representative MaryLynn Magar Talks Healthcare Affordability
The latest edition of the Florida Chamber’s Bottom Line features Representative MaryLynn Magar, Chair of the House Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee and Speaker Pro Tempore, discussing her priorities relating to Florida’s large health care industry.
“As always, my focus has been to make sure there is funding for our children, the disabled who through no fault of their own are in situations, and the elderly,” said Magar. “To make sure that we have a good amount for them to live comfortably and well.”
Join the Florida Chamber’s Healthcare Partnership
A value-based healthcare system focused on outcomes is a vital component in the overall economic health of Florida. Be a part of the solution and join in the pursuit to implement innovative policies that accentuate Florida’s free-market environment and improve access to care by joining the Florida Chamber Healthcare Partnership. Contact Matthew Choy at mchoy@flchamber.com to learn how you can get involved.
April 9, 2019