Support SB 76: Small Business Saturday Sales Tax Holiday

Download Letter Targeted Tax Reform Small Business Issues
On November 6, 2017 the Florida Chamber of Commerce urged Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee members to support SB 76- Small Business Saturday Sales Tax Holiday.
The Florida Chamber of Commerce urges you to support SB 76, related to a sales tax holiday on Small Business Saturday. This bill, proposed by Senator Rene Garcia, will be heard Monday, November 6, 2017, in the Senate Commerce and Tourism Committee.
The Florida Chamber supports efforts that support small businesses. With two out of three new jobs being created by small businesses, small businesses are the backbone of our economy. SB 76 creates a sales tax holiday for purchases made on Small Business Saturday, drawing attention to our local, mainstreet companies. This legislation is important to Florida’s business community because this bill:
- Encourages purchases at local small businesses on Small Business Saturday, the Saturday after Thanksgiving; and
- Increases awareness of local small businesses as a part of the larger “Small Business Saturday” campaign.
The Florida Chamber urges you to support SB 76, and will consider votes on this legislation, and any substantive amendments to it in committee or on the floor, in our annual How They Voted report card. The grade that you earn will be based on your voting record on the issues. We will make every effort to notify you prior to a vote that may be included in our annual legislative report card. If you have any questions about this or other issues on the 2018 Business Agenda, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Frank C. Walker, III
Vice President of Government Affairs
Florida Chamber of Commerce