Small Business, Big Threat: Florida SBDC Network Offers Education, Resources to Arm Small Businesses Against Cyber-Attacks

Sign the Defense and Cybersecurity Petition
Cybersecurity has become an increased threat for Florida’s small businesses. The rise in technology, faster internet, and enhanced connectivity yields greater cybersecurity threats, especially for small businesses, who often lack the resources and expertise to safeguard their employees, profits, business, and customers.
According to The Ponemon Institute’s 2017 State of Cybersecurity in Small & Medium-Sized Businesses report, 61 percent of businesses experienced a cyber attack last year, up from 55 percent in 2016. Further, according to UPS Capital, 60 percent of small businesses go out of business within six months of an attack, which can cost between $84,000 and $148,000. These statistics show that small businesses can no longer afford to sit back and hope that it won’t happen to them.
To answer the call to protect small businesses from cybersecurity threats, the Florida Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network, the state’s principal provider of small business assistance, recently partnered with Ridge Global, a globally-recognized risk management and cybersecurity firm, to launch the Byte-Size Small Business Cybersecurity Program. The program, provided at no-cost to small businesses statewide, offers small businesses the education and resources to arm themselves against cyberattacks.
Through the Byte-Size program, the Florida SBDC Network offers workshops covering four topics: basic cybersecurity threats to small businesses, security, remediation, and cybersecurity resources. The foundation of these workshops is an in-depth resource guide and toolkit to help small businesses be more cybersecure.
In addition, Florida SBDC Network professionally certified business consultants are also available to help small businesses prepare comprehensive cybersecurity plans and with other individual needs at no cost.
In December 2017, the Florida SBDC Network partnered with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Florida International University, and the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce to hold the Florida Cybersecurity Conference in Miami. The event, which served as the ceremonial kick-off of the network’s Byte-Size program, brought together top experts both locally and nationally from government, law enforcement, and the private sector to help small businesses develop, evaluate, and strengthen their cybersecurity programs.
To learn more about the program, and to find a workshop near you, please visit
Sigh the Petition Today
Cyber threats are increasing in frequency, scale, and sophistication. If you believe Florida’s business community and government must work together to address expanding cyber security threats, sign the petition today.