Florida Tops the Nation in Digital Learning

As shoppers log on to their computers today to access the latest in Cyber Monday deals, Florida students will log on to engage in digital learning – completing their latest math lessons, corresponding with virtual educators, viewing lectures, and participating in numerous other educational activities. Florida leads the nation in digital learning and is one of only two states to earn an A in the Foundation for Excellence in Education’s 2014 Digital Learning Report Card.
Digital learning plays an important role in today’s education system by customizing the educational experience to accommodate students’ unique learning styles and allowing educators to enhance traditional classroom learning and prepare students for academic success. Despite the increasing use of computers in the learning process, a recent national study showed that less than 10 percent of 8th graders could identify the credibility of a website or send a proper email. With digital learning the new literacy, how will we keep pace with changing technology and ensure that today’s students have the skills to compete in tomorrow’s workforce?
Get Involved
To learn more about digital learning as the new frontier in education, register to attend the Florida Chamber Foundation’s 2016 Education Summit on June 2, in Orlando.