Homeowners’ Insurance Affordability By County

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During the 2018 Insurance Summit, the Florida Chamber of Commerce announced the release of new data on TheFloridaScorecard.org that ranks each county in Florida on the affordability of homeowners’ insurance in their county.
The Homeowners’ Insurance Affordability Index is a joint project of the Florida Chamber Foundation, Milliman Pixel®, and Rating Dynamics and will be updated quarterly with new insurance premium information and as new household income measures are released for Florida Counties.
The Homeowners’ Insurance Affordability Index ranks homeowners’ insurance affordability for each county by comparing insurance premiums to the level of income for the county’s households. The county with the most affordable homeowners’ insurance is ranked #1 and the least affordable county’s ranking is #67.
Find Out Where Your County Ranks
- Visit TheFloridaScorecard.org
- Select the Business Climate & Competitiveness icon from the top bar on the screen
- Choose your county from the View County Data drop down menu.
- Select the Statewide Heat Map button to view rankings for all Florida counties.