Guest Article: Businesses Supporting College Savings Make for a Winning Workforce

Authored by: Florida Prepaid
Florida businesses, like the many represented at the recent Future of Florida Forum, have been integral to the success of Florida Prepaid College Savings Plans since the program was established 30 years ago. From the beginning, you have been important champions of Florida Prepaid — recognizing that by supporting employees’ college savings’ needs, you can recruit and retain excellent talent.
We know that you also recognize the importance of Florida Prepaid Plans for your own families – as FPL Senior External Affairs Director Don Kiselewski shared at the Future of Florida Forum regarding his own experience with the plans.
That’s why we so enjoyed being part of the Forum, and are grateful to the Florida Chamber Foundation for the opportunity to have been a part of so many important discussions about our state – namely, how businesses and education leaders can work together to meet the workforce talent needs of today and tomorrow.
Together we can work to nurture a talent pipeline unlike any other. A college savings account – even a small one – sends an important message to a child about attending college and doing the work needed in K-12 to get there. These are the same children that Florida businesses will need a generation from now, as they seek to fill important jobs with the best and brightest.
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