Florida Chamber Tallahassee Region Chair John Medina Says Now is the Time to Stop the Business Rent Tax

“Not only is Florida the only state that requires this…tax, as we try to become competitive both domestically and globally, we need to be removing these types of competitive hurdles,” said JOHN MEDINA, Florida Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Tallahassee Regional Chair. “This is a tax on small businesses, and this is a great way for us to reduce or repeal a tax that could result in fostering economic activity, particularly for small businesses that could take that money and reinvest it into their own companies and act as an impetus for additional growth.”
In this edition of the Florida Chamber’s series of interview with business leaders, John Medina, Tallahassee Regional Chair of the Florida Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, discuss how the Florida-only business rent tax hinders businesses and makes our state less competitive. Gates, the Senior Vice President and Chief Experience Officer at First Commerce Credit Union, applauds lawmakers in the Florida House and Senate that have taken steps to scale back the business rent tax, which costs Florida businesses $1.7 billion each and every year.
Take Action Now:
Join the Florida Chamber’s efforts to cut the business rent tax by signing the CutMyBizRent.Tax petition. Contact Greg Blose to learn how you can get involved.