Florida Chamber Series on Free Enterprise: Husein Cumber

Register for Learners to Earners Workforce Summit
In the latest Florida Chamber Series on Free Enterprise, Husein Cumber, Executive Vice President of Florida East Coast Industries and Florida Chamber Northeast Regional Board Chair discusses the vital role partnerships between the business and education sector play in Florida’s future workforce – as well as the importance of a strong university and college system in Florida.
“Specialized skills are really needed in this world,” said Cumber, “I think gone is the time where you can have a general skillset and then go out to the workforce and navigate to a job. We are learning that as technology begins to infiltrate every industry, having a specialization is so important.”
Click Below to Listen to Husein Cumber
Is Florida’s Workforce Ready?
Join business leaders, industry experts and elected officials next week for important workforce conversations at the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Learners to Earners Workforce Summit, June 12-13. Click here to register.