Florida Chamber of Commerce Doubles Down On Infrastructure and Growth Leadership Efforts

Infrastructure Coalition to Serve as Unified Voice of Business Preparing for Florida’s Future Growth
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (May 4, 2018) – The Florida Chamber of Commerce today announced a reinforced undertaking of its long and steady infrastructure and growth leadership efforts. The Florida Chamber’s Infrastructure Coalition will serve as the unified voice of business preparing for Florida’s future growth.
“With 26 million people expected to call Florida home by 2030, a growing Florida means a growing need for infrastructure to support our increasing population and increasing visitors,” said MARK WILSON, President and CEO, Florida Chamber of Commerce.
The Florida Chamber’s Infrastructure Coalition is focused on creating long-term investments in Florida’s energy, water, transportation, telecommunications, and agriculture infrastructure. With Washington, D.C.’s renewed focus on infrastructure, the Florida Chamber’s Infrastructure Coalition aims to maximize Florida’s economic growth opportunities. And at the state level, double down on efforts to prepare for Florida’s growing population through infrastructure investments.
“Florida’s economy will reach $1 trillion by the end of 2018, and it’s important that we continue to focus on strategic, innovative and transformative infrastructure investments that will allow Florida to continue to compete and succeed on a global scale,” said SENATE PRESIDENT DESIGNATE BILL GALVANO, who has placed infrastructure among his top legislative priorities. “By working together with the business community and the Florida Chamber’s Infrastructure Coalition, we can ensure a prosperous future for Florida.”
Ananth Prasad, President-Designate, Florida Transportation Builders’ Association, and former Department of Transportation Secretary will spearhead the Florida Chamber’s Infrastructure Coalition. During Prasad’s time as Florida Department of Transportation Secretary, he continued to protect Florida’s Transportation Trust Fund, allowing fundamental infrastructure projects to flourish. He is also credited with creating historic investments in Florida’s transportation infrastructure.
“As we look toward the future of infrastructure in Florida, we must dream big,” said ANANTH PRASAD, President-Designate, Florida Transportation Builders’ Association. “Tourism is up, Florida’s population continues to grow, and now, we must match it with innovations in every mode of infrastructure to move people and goods more efficiently.”
The Florida Chamber’s Infrastructure Coalition will soon travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with members of Florida’s Congressional Delegation and officials at the U.S. Department of Transportation during National Infrastructure Week. The Infrastructure Coalition will provide its list of recommended infrastructure investments to state and federal leaders.
Learn more about the Florida Chamber’s Infrastructure Coalition by visiting www.FloridaChamber.com/Infrastructure
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The Florida Chamber of Commerce is the voice of business and the state’s largest federation of employers, chambers of commerce and associations aggressively representing small and large businesses from every industry and every region. The Florida Chamber works within all branches of government to affect those changes set forth in the annual Florida Business Agenda, and which are seen as critical to secure Florida’s future. The Florida Chamber works closely with its Florida Political Operations and the Florida Chamber Foundation. Visit www.FloridaChamber.com for more information.