Florida Chamber Helps Keep The Promise

Florida’s students deserve a quality education that encompasses international benchmarks for success and helps create students nationally recognized for their success. Likewise, Florida’s parents deserve to be able to choose the best learning environment for their children to succeed
But for many young students and parents without access to a quality education, precious years of learning are lost for no other reason than a zip code. For Florida’s growing and thriving economy, students with a quality education equal a talented workforce, jobs that are able to pay higher wages, more small business creation, and a diverse and business friendly environment.
To help advocate for education reforms that will make a difference, the Florida Chamber recently co-hosted Keeping the Promise: A Florida Education Summit, hosted by the Foundation for Florida’s Future today in Tallahassee. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Florida Governor Rick Scott, Florida Senate President Andy Gardiner and Florida House Speaker Steve Crisafulli headlined the meeting.
“The Florida Chamber is involved in education policy because it is a moral imperative,” said Mark Wilson, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce during the summit. “Our future as a country depends on getting education right.”
Former Governor Jeb Bush told encouraged the state of Florida to “empower people and families, instead of bureaucracy.”
At the Florida Chamber, we believe talent is quickly becoming the new economic development strategy. And while teachers unions work to take away choices, we know that Florida wins when we close the talent gap and place our students before special interest- no matter what.
Event co-hosts include Florida Council of 100, Hispanic CREO, the James Madison Institute, the Multicultural Education Alliance, Associated Industries of Florida and the Urban League of Greater Miami.
Get Involved:
- Share your thoughts on accountability and school choice with us! Are students in your community benefitting from higher standards and school choice options? We want to hear from you! Email us gblose@flchamber.com.
- Save the date for the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Education and Philanthropy Summit. For more information or to register, click here.