Florida Chamber Foundation’s New Report Discusses Skills Needed for Future Jobs

Florida Jobs 2030: 90 Interviews, 5 Recommendations for Success, 1 Pathway to Future
TALLAHASSEE, FLA. (Jan. 30, 2017) – The Florida Chamber Foundation today discussed with state and local education and business leaders the findings of their latest report, Florida Jobs 2030.
Conversations included Cissy Proctor, Executive Director of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Commissioner Pam Stewart, Chancellor Madeline Pumariega and Chancellor Rod Duckworth of the Florida Department of Education, CareerSource Florida representatives, Tallahassee Community College President Dr. Jim Murdaugh, the Florida Manufacturers Association and more.
“When it comes to securing Florida’s future, it’s important to think long-term and when it comes to Florida’s workforce, that means planning for jobs that may not even exist,” said TONY CARVAJAL, Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber Foundation. “Florida Jobs 2030, which is part of the Florida 2030 Cornerstone Series, will serve as the road map for businesses and educational institutions to work together to create pathways and partnerships toward economic opportunity.”
The report includes interviews from 90 stakeholders – non-profit leaders, education leaders as well as business, industry and community leaders – who looked at five of Florida’s eight targeted industries to analyze the demand, skills gaps, workforce challenges and opportunities: Aerospace and Aviation, Finance and Professional Services, Health Care and Life Sciences, Logistics and Distribution, and Manufacturing.
To prepare for projected shifts in Florida’s labor market and the changing landscape of skills required for 21st-century jobs, the report also highlights five core recommendations for policymakers, educators, and Florida’s business community:
- Deepen and expand cross-sector collaboration,
- Foster opportunities for targeted skills development that is responsive to economic shifts,
Improve statewide career awareness and counseling, - Streamline transitions between high school, postsecondary, and workforce and create a more seamless pipeline between education and the workforce, and
- Adopt a data-driven approach to meeting Florida’s needs for a 21st century workforce.
Florida Jobs 2030 is part of the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Florida 2030 project, a two-year, multi-million dollar research initiative, that will build on the recommendations of the last Cornerstone report which, since its release, has helped to shape policy and put a long-term lens to Florida’s future.
“Florida will need to create two million net new jobs between now and 2030 and six million more people will call our state home,” said CARVAJAL. “Will our workforce, businesses and our education systems of tomorrow be prepared?”
The report research was led by Mary Wright and Sara Lamback of Jobs for the Future.
What Others Are Saying:
Mark Wilson, President and CEO, Florida Chamber of Commerce
“Talent is quickly replacing the tax incentive as the economic development tool of choice.”
Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart
“Everyone looks to Florida as an education leader.”
Dr. Jim Murdaugh, President, Tallahassee Community College; Florida Chamber Foundation Trustee
“This Florida Chamber Foundation project, which created a long-term view of the jobs that Florida will need is invaluable to higher education leaders as we design and deliver education and training that is relevant.”
Dr. Ed Moore, President, Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida; Florida Chamber Foundation Trustee
“The Florida Chamber has taken a very thoughtful, forward thinking look at the potential future of our great state. We should all be thinking about tomorrow and what we can do to better prepare for a prosperous future. Florida is on the move!”
Mary Wright, Senior Program Director, Jobs for the Future
“We really have an opportunity to think about what students need in the long-term now.”
Cissy Proctor, Executive Director, Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
“These strategic partnerships that are throughout this report are really important. At the agency we are always looking at being forward facing, at how we can help communities in many different ways.”
Andreas Schleicher, Director, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Directorate of Education and Skills
“Today, because of rapid economic and social change, schools have to prepare students for jobs that have not yet been created, technologies that have not yet been invented, and problems that we don’t yet know will arise.”
The Florida Chamber Foundation is the business-led, solutions development and research organization working in partnership with state business leaders to secure Florida’s future. The Foundation’s “Six Pillars” serve as a visioning platform for developing the first-ever, long-term strategic plan for the state. The Foundation’s work focuses on: 1) Talent Supply and Education, 2) Innovation and Economic Development, 3) Infrastructure and Growth Leadership, 4) Business Climate and Competitiveness, 5) Civic and Governance Systems, and 6) Quality of Life and Quality Places. Founded in 1968, the Foundation is a crucial voice for improving the state’s pro-business climate to enable Florida to grow and prosper. Visit www.FLFoundation.org for more information.