Florida Chamber Bottom Line: Manny Diaz Discusses Education & Florida’s Future Workforce

Senator Manny Diaz is Ensuring Florida’s Students Get the Best Education
In the latest Florida Chamber Bottom Line, Senator Manny Diaz (SD 36), Chair of the Senate Committee on Education, discusses his proposed legislation on school choice, the importance of education to Florida’s competitiveness and the future of Florida’s workforce.
“The most important thing for businesses, as a constituency, is to speak to their legislators and have them understand how important these pieces are,” said Diaz. “I think it is important that we get businesses to get them [legislators] to understand what is happening in the real world and what’s affecting businesses. These changes are needed in order to create a talent pool.”
Is Florida’s Workforce Ready?
Join business leaders, industry experts, elected officials and community leaders for the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Learners to Earners Workforce Summit, June 18-19 in Orlando, where you’ll be able to hear from and network with industry leaders looking for talent and those tasked with ensuring Florida’s students are ready for the future of work.