DYK the Florida Constitution Has Been Amended 102 Times in Almost 50 Years?

Privacy, taxes, education, guns and gambling – how do these issues impact you? While the upcoming general election is currently on most voters’ minds, another milestone for Florida voters is about to get underway with Florida’s constitutional review. While the U.S. constitution has been amended just 17 times since the Bill of Rights was ratified, Florida’s constitution has been amended 102 times since 1968.
Florida’s leadership is in the process of assembling the Constitution Revision Commission, which will convene in 2017 and propose amendments for vote in the 2018 midterm election. With the next review process anticipated to be completed in 2038, what future issues do you think will affect your business and personal life?
Share Your Story:
What issues would you like to see on the 2018 ballot? Send your ideas or concerns to Hannah Kaplan at hkaplan@FloridaChamber.com.
Get Involved:
To add your voice to the conversation on Florida’s constitution and other local, state and federal issues, join the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Civic & Governance Systems Caucus today.