2+2=Pathway to a Career in the Classroom

College Partnership Builds Pathway for Teachers
A partnership between Tallahassee Community College (TCC) and Flagler College provides a seamless path for students pursuing a career in teaching. The new “2+2 for Education” agreement is the only public-private partnership in Florida providing a path for a bachelor’s degree in elementary education.
With more than 2,400 teaching vacancies statewide, this partnership is designed to help address Florida’s teaching shortage. An additional benefit to students is the ability to graduate in four years with minimal debt, and be prepared to go straight into the workforce.
The Florida Chamber Foundation’s Florida 2030 Blueprint goals state that by 2030, more than 60 percent of Floridians will have a high value post-secondary certificate, degree or training experience. The public-private partnership between TCC and Flagler College is a great example of the leadership that will help us reach this goal.
Preparing Florida’s Future Workforce
To become a part of important conversations on preparing Florida’s cradle to career continuum for the workforce of the future, join us on June 16, 2020 in Orlando during the 2020 Florida Chamber Foundation’s Learners to Earners Workforce Summit.
Early registration is now open – click here for information.