Florida Institute for Political Leadership
Tomorrow’s Leaders Start Here
Florida needs good leaders who want to serve their local communities and run for public office.
Across the State of Florida there are over 4,500 electable positions, and thousands of appointed officials, that make and shape policy for millions of Florida families and businesses. From local boards, city councils and county officials to the State Legislature, there is a growing need to ensure candidates running for office understand the issues facing Florida and our economic future.
The Florida Institute for Political Leadership (FIPL), a newly-formed initiative of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, was created to assist leaders who want to improve their local communities by serving in appointed positions or in elected offices. We are here to help make that process easier.
The institute is a non-partisan program designed to recruit, train and guide people by providing leadership and training opportunities to get better candidates across the State of Florida.
Organized, funded and managed by the Florida Chamber of Commerce, the institute will partner with local chambers of commerce, and interested organizations, across Florida to host campaign schools and training programs.
Due to the impacts of COVID-19, the Florida Institute for Political Leadership has moved its schools and training to online.
The online schools and training will provide a briefing on emerging local and state issues, teach attendees on what local opportunities are available for appointed or elected positions, guidance on how to prepare to run for office in the future and provide training on how to run winning campaigns during the 2020 election cycle and beyond.
Our focus is local. Our goal is simple: We want to recruit better candidates across the State of Florida who want to run today or in the future.
It’s non-partisan, it is free, and open to everyone. We are not asking you to hire us. We are asking you to partner with us to secure Florida’s future.
The Florida Institute for Political Leadership does not support or oppose, directly or indirectly, any candidates for public office, financially or otherwise. It will provide campaign schools and training in a non-partisan manner for those interested in running for public office.