Florida Chamber of Commerce

Small Business Council Spotlight – Dr. Jonathan Reed, Strategy First Consulting Group

What does your business do? We help small to medium-size businesses develop strategy, management processes, and talent like a Fortune 500 company.

What’s your biggest concern as a small business owner/operator?  I am concerned about the polarized political climate in the U.S. and the volatility it has created for my small business clients. It seems like new rules, regulations, executive orders, and lawsuits are being filed almost daily, now at the state level in addition to the federal level. Small businesses have a hard time keeping up and little voice at the table.

Tell us why you joined the Small Business Council and what you would say to other business leaders about the benefit and value of this council.  I joined the Chamber and the Council to gain insight into Florida’s political landscape and to better advise my clients. I would tell other business leaders that today’s highly turbulent environment and the Chamber’s ability to influence it back towards stability helps justify the investment.

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