While Florida’s economy has much to celebrate, economic uncertainty is growing in Washington, D.C. and around the globe. Unfortunately, Florida is known as a “Judicial Hellhole”. Lawsuit abuse is an increasingly serious and expensive problem that’s getting worse. Florida’s bottom-five legal environment is an open invitation for “gotcha” lawsuits that cost Florida families and businesses about $4,442 each year in lawsuit abuse costs. Billboard trial lawyers advertising to “sue someone today” is big business in Florida. Until the Florida Legislature stands up to the well-funded trial lawyers, and until Florida’s s civil justice system improves, and Florida’s competitiveness will suffer. The Florida Chamber of Commerce has long fought for common sense reforms to fix Florida’s broken legal system. A unified voice from Florida’s business community is key to the fight. We need your input to ensure the right steps are taken to improve Florida’s legal climate. Your answers will be kept confidential and will be combined with others in Florida to help us continue our regional, state and federal competitiveness agenda. Thank you for helping the Florida Chamber secure Florida’s future.
Thank you for helping us secure Florida’s future.
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