Florida Chamber of Commerce

Small Business Council Spotlight – Ray Blacklidge of American Traditions Insurance Company

Have a Conversation with Ray Blacklidge, Shareholder, Executive VP, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, of American Traditions Insurance Company

What does your business do?
Since 2006 American Traditions Insurance company has provided insurance coverage for homeowners, condo owners, renters, and manufactured homes in the state of Florida. We strive to offer best-in-class customer service and claims processing while providing Florida residents property insurance coverage.

What’s your biggest concern as a small business owner/operator?
In the insurance industry, some of our biggest concerns are lawyers who abuse the legal system to enrich themselves and fraud. These two issues alone are causing the cost of claims to skyrocket. These skyrocketing claims costs cause insureds to have higher than average insurance costs and make it difficult to find coverage on some risk in our state. Additionally, I am concern with The Biden Administration’s Policies that are adversely affecting Small Businesses overall.

Tell us why you joined the Small Business Council and what you would say to other business leaders about the benefit and value of this council.
We joined to share and learn from other small businesses that have the same struggles and challenges as we do. Joining the council allows us the opportunity to work with and engage with other small businesses, which allows for collaboration in finding solutions for the future.

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